We have several things going on the last couple of weeks. For those who followed along we had a week of prayer that we did through Instagram and here on the website and some of the videos are still available if you’d like to go back through them. We have begun going through the Gospel according to John on Sunday mornings in a series that takes a closer look at the person of Jesus from the first hand account of a man who watched him die and then visited the tomb and through seeing was convince that Jesus was resurrected.
We have had plenty of things going on from a fantastic time of food, games, and fellowship at the Turnage’s house for our YODAS last month to a great Fwiendsday this past Wednesday evening.
This fall has only just begun and we have several exciting things coming up. We have GNO next weekend, another YODAS later this month, and Deeper Youth Conference next month! In addition to all going on here there are several teens doing a lot of great things. Reese Taylor was the Bentonville High School freshman student of the month last month, Jaxson Caylor and the BHS football team have been off to a great start this season, Abby McSweeny has been doing an awesome job as part of the cheer team for BHS, and Sarah Sloan has been crushing it for the Rogers freshman volleyball team. If you have see any of these teens be sure to encourage them and if you’re able to, head out to a game or an event and watch these awesome teens do their stuff!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. -Philippians 4:8